Guest post from Jack Walton, second year PR student at BCU School of Media
I’m part of
generation Z. For those of you who don’t know what this is it’s the term given
to those of us who were born from the mid 1990’s to 2000, however even the
dates are conflicted depending on who you ask. I was born in 1997 and
definitely fit into this bracket. Your probably used to hearing the term
Millennials and how they will have more jobs in their lifetime than ever
before… amongst other things.
Well, step aside because a new generation now seems to
be the talk of the town - hello Generation Z!
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Generation Z is the most technological advanced group that there ever was, we grew up with
computers, video games and now, social media and smart phones. It means our
expectations are set much higher than ever before - and this increasingly puts demands on every company, from clothing retailers to hotels.
As a generation, we aim to turn our
hobbies into actual careers; we won’t settle for second best like generations
before us, it’s a huge change for many to accept and automatically affects PR
too. Quality over
quantity is something that is important to us; clothing brands - and particularly
high street ones - have had to step up their game by offering us more “out
there” items of clothing which really are head turners.
With everything, public relations has had to take notice of this. We react
differently to advertising; we enjoy hard hitting campaigns which tackle
important social issues. We enjoy making a
difference and make sure our voices are heard a lot more, through the media and our own channels of engagement.